Wednesday, February 6, 2008

An aside....

It's Wednesday morning and I am wiped out! Last night drew an outstanding and record turnout for precinct caucusing. I am precinct chair in a district that has a history of low voter turnout. Last night in this precinct (like most of Minnesota) surpassed any records.

What especially gives me a 'high' this morning is that we finally achieved diversity within the precinct leadership. This, I'm sure, will encourage people of color to participate more; especially at the grassroots level. For way too long, what I have seen at SD and state political meetings and conventions is a large sea of white faces. Last night, I did indeed, see 'change'! My thanks to EVERYONE who showed up, whether you voted and left or stayed for the resolutions. My thanks to all who became delegates or alternates. My appreciation and thanks to all who persisted through hordes of other caucusers and the horrendous parking! YOU are my America!

1 comment:

Ann W. said...

I hear ya! It took me 10 minutes driving around the parking lot of my pricinct area just to find a spot, and I saw people from all walks of life. YAY!